Thursday, August 15, 2013

Im BAAAAaaaaaack!

Not only have I been gone for awhile, but it took me forever to remember my password!!

I "think" I need a place to just write stuff...anything really. While I manage two facebook accounts now, and moderate a 700+ Ravelry group, I need a place that is just me, and nothing else.

I always have so many things that I want to mention, but ill just start with something I am enjoying right now. That way I have other things to write about. Don't worry if you knew me you KNOW I NEVER run out of things to say!

Currently my cool, and very different project is a toothbrush rug. No I am not using an actual toothbrush but back in the 30's they modified a spent brush into a needle and recycled rags. My rug is out of flannel strips and is just going to be a small one to go by my bed. I will take a picture today and see if I can remember how to put it on here!

More to write about later....

House #1 is for sale
House #2, aka "The Cottage"-forever home
Brewery is coming along
Kids moved out-hence house for sale
Writing another slipper pattern
Boxes everywhere!


  1. Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I like to visit those who visit me to see what we have in common.

    I use my blog for a record of my crafts, old photos, memories, and some fluff. I don't have a Facebook account (don't want one) and have only a few groups on Ravelry that I read regularly.

  2. I got my fb account when my kids went to basic. Then the twins went to Afghanistan for a year. It was our main communication with them. We enjoy keeping up with family and friends. Our business that is not open yet has a page and over 200 followers, kinda cute. FB is addictive. If you have resisted, good for you!
