Monday, August 19, 2013

Filling in the blanks..........

So our kids have all moved out. Actually this happened a couple months ago. This house is too big for us now. In July we put it on the market, and will be moving to the Cottage. The Cottage is much smaller so we have been downsizing a ton. We WILL fit or I will take more to Goodwill.

The Cottage is located where our Brewery will be-another WIP. We love it up there and are excited for it to be our permanent home.

My husband applied for a Job up there also so you never know what could happen these days. As always, we have so much to be excited about and thankful for.

I mentioned on facebook that its almost been a year since my twins returned from Afghanistan. This year surely went a lot faster than the year they were gone. That was the longest year of my life!

On facebook I do not talk crafts-with the exception of comments on a couple groups I have joined. Here it is all about whatever I want, since not many read this-if any ;) I shall ramble about whatever I feel like. So far I am doing pretty good at that right?

Here are the slippers I am working on. It is my pattern inspired by a picture of slippers in a Japanese book. They came together nicely, and was probably one of the easiest ones I have written up. I will have it tested on Ravelry, but have not decided if it will be free or not. They are comfy and fast to make. I have another pair almost done-retesting the pattern myself before I share.

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