Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Its Tuesday....

So yesterday I taught the toothbrush rug technique to my weaving group. It went really well. Everyone left with the beginning of a circle, and was having great lucking working in the round. If it would have been a Kindergarden class only one person would have "moved her stick" and possibly been sent to the time out chair. Some people.....

My slipper test is over and done with. I need to borrow my husbands computer to make a few small changes then it goes live. I am pleased with my testers except for one no show after volunteering. Dont these people know that I can see that they are still on Ravelry, and posting to other groups..whatever!

Friday I get to baby sit my grandbabies. I am going to get sidewalk chalk and facepaints. Also colors and coloring books. They are two...but we are going to rock it! When my son comes home every inch of their skin that is showing will be painted! Bahahah. Since I feel like I need a new knitting bag maybe I can get them to put hand prints on it for me!

I am currently doing a slipper test. Not mine, but a favorite designer of mine. It is felted and I love how it is turning out. Next I am testing a hat for a new to me designer. Ill post pictures when I am done.

The past two weekend we have brewed some of our favorite beer that we will host in our brewery. What fun to finally get everything set up at the new house and be able to brew our favorites and design new recipes.

Happy Tuesday to all!

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lots of Little things...

I was at the Cottage most of the week. I got so much done.

I got my whole craft room set up. This was NO small project. I painted the stairs going up to it. We may eventually carpet them but for now they look great. I got the brewing equipment set up in the "blue room", plus the bed made in there. I went to a knitting group. I started another rug. I warped my Rigid Heddle loom. I set up my 29 gallon fish tank. The old china hutch is ready for the poly. To end it we made beer today.

We almost said the heck with it and just stayed up there but I have apointments in Rapid this week. It was kinda hard to leave.

Friday, September 6, 2013

A funny thing happened to me the other day....

So I post my test pattern to a group of 9200 individuals..and my computer dies...no rebooting in the world would help. The black screen of death! I have nothing since in our packing up and moving I cannot find my external hard drive...FREAKOUT MODE. I remembered I emailed the pattern to a friend, and only made a couple changes after that. She sent it back, I forwarded it from my phone to my husbands comnputer and he has the software to edit a pdf...he saved my...ok you know what he saved!

I now am borrowing my sons little computer-tiny-and loving using it. For a few days I was running the test from my phone!

BTW, the test is going well, it filled up that day with the number of testers I requested. Very minimal comments for editing so far. My initial plan was to have my hat retested since I have made changes on that as well, but unless I can find the hard drive I will have to retype and format the whole thing. At least I have a paper copy!

I dont even want to think about the Christmas Addys I have lost, and no I dont have a copy of those.

Life goes on,,,I freaked out briefly. My husband made me an icecream cone! haha Plus I feel great from my allergy shots, and physical therapy.

Wishing everyone, all 3 or 4 of you reading this:)....A fabulious weekend!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

I did it!!

I have just posted my slipper test to the "Testing Pool" on Ravelry. OMG!

It feels soooooo good..........

It feels so good to be home.

We had a great time in ND. There was tons going on with Steve's work. We found our "dream" brewery setup, then attended the "Testicle Festival" in Menoken, ND...Yes you read that right.

Our friends were the band that played Sunday night. It truly is "word of mouth" that's for sure. By then it really cooled off making dry camping fun!

I crafted a lot while my husband was at his meeting. I finished my toothbrush rug, my slipper pattern for testing, then found another freebie online that I just had to make.

This is the freebie Ribbed Slippers on Ravelry I found. They are very comfy on your feet!

Here are the ones I am trying to get brave enough to have tested!

My hat pattern will go live soon...yes another "brave" thing.

I am excited to go up to "The Cottage" this weekend, and plan to spend the week up there setting up my craft room!